Be A Better Version of Yourself

Suleman Muneer
2 min readDec 19, 2020
Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

Personal growth and self-development are significant in the life one cannot be fit to survive without one's personal growth or in other words, can’t achieve anything greater without personal growth and development, for your own development you need to become a better version of yourself. Simply take an example of an application that launched in May after a few months there will be an updated version of the same application why? the answer is updated version will be free from bugs and problems of the old version. As an application, we humans also need updates and upgrades but our update is called development. Here is how you can become a better person today then tomorrow.


First and foremost thing, in my opinion, is self-accountability, it means you should be honest with your self and should keep an eye on yourself as the lion keeps eye on his prey for that you will need to make a journal.

Make A Journal

For self-accountability, you have to make a journal in that journal include what you have done the whole day, how much time you have wasted on social media, how many productive tasks have you accomplished throughout the day. Last but not least also make a chart of habit tracker

3 Intention Rule

This rule is extracted from the book Hyperfocus written by Chris Bailey, it simply says that write down 3 tasks today, for tomorrow and accomplish those by tomorrow. It will make you more productive.


Sitting all day will make you lazy, if you do a job or run a business or even you are freelancer you must do exercise. Exercise not only have physical benefits but it also has affects your mental health it helps you concentrate more it also sharpen your memory.

Know Your Weakness and Strenght

Another practice for the betterment and self-improvement is one should know about own weakness and strengths. The mistake you made today make sure not to repeat the same mistake tomorrow. Know about strength, competencies and abilities and try to polish them and try to bring them up to the perfection level.

